Wednesday, December 10, 2008

She likes to move it, move it!

So for the past few weeks I have been feeling little baby Dinah move around in there. Lately she has been quite hyper and if I am sitting still she is moving about. (Including sometimes tap dancing on my bladder!) I can definitely feel (and sometime see) her moving through my clothes. That is fun, because then Christian can feel the baby too. We really are at the fun stage right now...feeling the baby and having that daily assurance that she is healthy and growing strong and I am just at the stage of "cute pregnant" before I get enormous and uncomfortable.

We are getting ready for a really busy weekend leading into a really busy next few weeks. Aunt Amber is graduating on Saturday as is Grandma Frederique. And Uncle Jeremiah will be on this side of the country for a couple days. We are really excited about hosting Christmas this year. I have my tree up and I am enjoying the season (if only it would get a bit colder here). We are also excited when we think about the next Christmas season when baby Dinah will be here with us AND old enough to enjoy the fun!

1 comment:

  1. I want to feel her!! I can't wait to see y'all this week!!

    The Aunt
